Sound Installations . 2013
Speakers . Field Recordings . Audio Software . Interface
From invitation from the „Bodensee Art Fund“ I had the opportunity to work and research at Wasserburg for one week. In this time I explored the place and it’s acoustic properties. The research contains listening exercises, long walks, field recordings and
the analysis of it.
Subsequently, I mixed some of this recordings digitally and created short loops. These audio loops were connected to different findings, like a feather or an apple, which I mapped on a drawing. Underneath, using a audio interface (called „makey- makey“), the visitor were able to trigger the sounds by touching the key and another item. (photo next page) The sounds becomes audible by hidden loudspeakers in a box at the gallery. That was the first part of the public presentation. The second part of this work was also presented and audible by small hidden loudspeakers which I places in different items, like a vase or a birdhouse. The sounds are atmospheric loops.